[REST API] Questions and improvements

by Hashim, Tuesday, May 02, 2023, 09:14 (353 days ago) @ bohte

Hi Bohdan,

My codebase is completely different Armaghan's code. I went through sql-ledger api in SL/.pm and noticed a lot of things to be complicated and difficult which needed to be improved. Since it is more error prone to make changes in the SL/.pm files and requires a lot more testing time, I have decided to build my own API from scratch.

I am defining and building my API using OpenAPI specifications and have hosted it on swagger. You can see the work done so far here: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/HASHIM1SAQIB/LedgerINN/1.0.0. Please note this is still in it's initial stages and a lot of refinement is required. I'm building the basic routes required first and once done, will work on better validation and security.

The API uses real arrays for data transfer rather than the SL's api which uses parts_id_1, parts_id_2, parts_id_3 kind of elements for array.

I've also made LedgerI to be a standalone app built with the Vue framework. You can have a look at the stand alone application too at:
app.ledgerinn.com/ / email: [email protected] pw: HelloDemo123!@#
The app is also still a work in progress.

I will keep updating my swagger link with my progress. Since I am learning SQL-Ledger and building at the same time, the development is not very fast paced.

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